Multiuser and Academic License Benefits
Do you think that only large organisations/corporations can save from a licence purchase? Wrong! Even small and mid-sized businesses can spare their budget by investing into a licence instead of buying single units. This is particularly true for a lot of products and its worthwhile spending the time to have a look at our attractive licence models.
These models vary from product to product so dont hesitate to call us at +33 if you need advice or have a question.
Your Benefits:
- Attractive rebates to help you save.
- Simplified licence models : minimal paperwork and less effort.
- Compatibility problems are resolved: All of your team can now afford to share the same files.
- Training and Support budgets are decreased.
- Copyright violation is no longer a problem
- Perfect and flexible solutions suited to your needs, i.e. regular updating/modification of your licences in case of changes.
- Tap the full potential of your IT-budget.